Gladys Mae knew the art of worry. She worried about her husband’s gallbladder, the price of gasoline, and if clothes on her clothesline could be seen from her neighbor’s yard, especially when she washed her girdle. The one thing Gladys Mae did not worry about was her property title. Gladys knew that she and her husband, George, owned that house and had the rightful authority to live in it…or to sell it or will it or gift it as they wished.
Oh sure, property disputes could happen—Gladys didn’t deny that, but she didn’t worry about it either. She didn’t worry about her home ownership title because she and George had title insurance.
Title insurance is peace of mind, assuring your financial protection if someone claims that all or part of your property is theirs.
Gladys Mae had worry beads and stones worn smooth from handling, but she didn’t waste these on her home title. If Mr. Huckleberry next door was going to claim part of her clothesline ran across his property, why then she would just call up her title insurance company and have them deal with Mr. Huckleberry…though she might dry her girdle indoors. If some other joker came to the front door and said he owned the whole lot, then he too would have to take up his challenge with her title insurance company.
Gladys Mae didn’t worry about title claims against her ownership because she had title insurance to fight the battles for her in court, and to pay for the related legal fees. She did not waste her time worrying about title claims…she had better things to worry about!